Changing Iconography of Ecclesiastical Architecture: 20 Examples of Contemporary Stained Glass in Churches

Luoyuan Anglican Church. Image © Shikai, Dengxie Xiang, INUCE

Luoyuan Anglican Church. Image © Shikai, Dengxie Xiang, INUCE

Whatever religion we classify ourselves as – or even if we actively renounce or denounce organized religion in all its forms – the one aspect of Christianity those in predominantly Christian countries are touched by at some point in their lives, is the classical aesthetic of church architecture.

Whether we actively attend church multiple times a week, begrudgingly once or twice a year, or once every ten years for one of life’s trinity of events: births, deaths, and marriages, while there we’re struck by the soaring arches, intricate stonework, and, on a sunny day, the spiritual beauty and colorful rainbows of light that stream through stained glass windows.

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