7 Ancient Ruins Around The World “Reconstructed” with GIFs

Ancient ruins, like the Parthenon and Luxor Temple, can teach us about the past in a unique way. Through architectural remains, we can gather what building techniques and civilizations were like long ago. Even so, ruins can’t compare to the real deal, and historical reconstructions of these architectural wonders are key to a fuller understanding of the cultures that created them. In these GIFs made by Expedia, seven architectural wonders are reconstructed into their original form, allowing us to see how the ruins visible today developed from the initial structures in all their glory.

The Parthenon

Athens, Greece / 432 BC

Luxor Temple

Luxor, Egypt / 1380 BC

Nohoch Mul Pyramid (Coba)

Quintana Roo, Mexico / 100 BC-100 AD

Temple of Jupiter

Pompeii, Italy / 200 BC

Milecastle 39 (Part of Hadrian’s Wall)

Northumberland, England / 100 AD

The Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacán

Teotihuacan, Mexico / 200 CE

Area Sacra di Largo Argentina—Temple B

Rome, Italy / 101 BC