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Between Slopes and Inequalities: Risky Urban Occupations and Environmental Racism

March 7, 2024 Adele Belitardo 0

Throughout history, numerous cities worldwide have been settled and built on hillsides, where one can observe the myriad urban challenges they face due to their topographical conditions. However, beyond issues related to their urban infrastructure or transportation systems, which can become more complex due to the geography, hillside urban occupation typically involves various intersections of social, environmental, and economic issues.

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Six Interviews to Understand Latin American Architecture

February 22, 2024 Adele Belitardo 0

Multifaceted and filled with complexities, the landscape of architecture and urbanism in Latin America unveils specific nuances and challenges in light of the issues faced by various countries, such as social inequality, violence, and rapid urban growth. Within this context, architectural practice assumes a significant role in crafting feasible and appropriate solutions tailored to each reality, emphasizing the importance of reaffirming local references and narratives in this process.

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Urban Challenges of Hillside Cities

February 9, 2024 Adele Belitardo 0

Living in cities built on geographical slopes is a unique and challenging experience. While these areas can offer panoramic views and impressive landscapes, the steep topography presents a series of challenges in terms of urban planning, structural safety, and socio-environmental risks. These cities require special care and solutions in the design of streets, buildings, and infrastructure, as well as an understanding that, for reasons of environmental safety and population well-being, not all areas should be occupied.

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Designing Care: The Importance of Humanization in Healthcare Spaces

January 22, 2024 Adele Belitardo 0

Silent and endless hallways, white and cold rooms, an impersonal and distant atmosphere: this is a deeply ingrained image in our cultural conception of hospital environments. The whiteness of these spaces, attempting to reinforce the necessary notions of sterility and cleanliness, may also evoke a sense of discomfort and anxiety for patients and their families.

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Designing Care: The Importance of Humanization in Healthcare Spaces

January 22, 2024 Adele Belitardo 0

Silent and endless hallways, white and cold rooms, an impersonal and distant atmosphere: this is a deeply ingrained image in our cultural conception of hospital environments. The whiteness of these spaces, attempting to reinforce the necessary notions of sterility and cleanliness, may also evoke a sense of discomfort and anxiety for patients and their families.

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Southern Hemisphere Summer Bliss: Unveiling 6 Club and Pool Retreats

January 17, 2024 Adele Belitardo 0

With the approach of summer in the southern hemisphere — promising to be one of the most intense on record amidst a year already considered one of the hottest in historythe search for places that offer moments of relaxation, freshness, and fun intensifies. As the high temperatures of summer draw near, the relevance and demand for facilities like clubs, with their outdoor leisure areas, pools, and green spaces, stand out significantly. These places become true havens, providing the opportunity to escape the heat and a range of other activities and benefits for their users.

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Beyond the Stage: Urban Impacts of Mega Concerts

January 12, 2024 Adele Belitardo 0

When internationally acclaimed music icons like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, and Paul McCartney announce their global tours, the anticipation sparked by revealing the countries and respective host cities is met with thorough preparations. These preparations aim to adapt to the array of changes that will unfold in the urban spaces of these cities due to the impact of these events. These mega-concerts extend beyond the musical realm; they transcend the stage to mobilize significant financial figures and result in various transformations in the everyday urban life of these cities. Even though these events do not last long, they instigate alterations in diverse spheres and urban sectors, including tourism, hospitality, food, and transportation.

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Subtle Radiance: Transforming Spaces With Woodwork and Furniture Lighting

December 29, 2023 Adele Belitardo 0

Well-planned lighting makes all the difference in an interior design project, impacting various aspects. It goes beyond mere aesthetics to play a crucial role in creating atmospheres capable of influencing and altering people’s emotions and perceptions within spaces. While direct lighting can provide overall and uniform brightness, ensuring proper illumination for daily activities, indirect lighting offers a more subtle and effective approach, which creates cozy, gentle, and pleasant environments.

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How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries

December 22, 2023 Adele Belitardo 0

Cities are not just inert landscapes or lifeless settings; they play active and significant roles in shaping numerous television narratives. Whether in series or soap operas, urban environments play a fundamental role not only as the backdrop where plots unfold but also in shaping the developments of storylines, their creations, guidelines, and contexts. While, on the one hand, cities and their urban cultures contribute to the composition of various small screen plots, on the other hand, television programs can also help shape a certain idealized imagination about these urban spaces, generating unrealistic expectations and perpetuating a series of stereotypes about the represented cities.

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Urban Staircases: Vertical Poetry in Cities

December 15, 2023 Adele Belitardo 0

Staircases facilitate transit and movement within cities, influencing how communities interact and navigate their urban surroundings. Despite often going unnoticed within the cityscape, these staircases are significant witnesses to history. Beyond their architectural function, they are essential connectors, providing spaces where the pulse of urban life unfolds. Amidst buildings, hills, slopes, and bustling streets, staircases emerge as dynamic stages for movements, encounters, and disconnections, intertwining with the narratives embedded in each step.