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What is a Vomitorium? 25 Modern Examples of Efficient Traffic Management in Public Buildings and Venues

November 22, 2023 James Wormald 0

The vomitorium and its purpose is one of historical architecture’s most common misconceptions. It’s said that the vomitorium was a room that neighbored Roman feasts, where guests could socially eject the contents of their stomach before returning to the feast with renewed capacity. Although this theory was not entirely based on fiction – as Romans are known to have indeed taken up habitual regurgitation, possibly as a sign of excess wealth – there’s no reason to believe there was a specific room dedicated to the practice.

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What is a Vomitorium? 25 Modern Examples of Efficient Traffic Management in Public Buildings and Venues

November 22, 2023 James Wormald 0

The vomitorium and its purpose is one of historical architecture’s most common misconceptions. It’s said that the vomitorium was a room that neighbored Roman feasts, where guests could socially eject the contents of their stomach before returning to the feast with renewed capacity. Although this theory was not entirely based on fiction – as Romans are known to have indeed taken up habitual regurgitation, possibly as a sign of excess wealth – there’s no reason to believe there was a specific room dedicated to the practice.

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How to Reach High-Level Functionality With Interior Ladder Systems

November 21, 2023 James Wormald 0

Hidden in plain sight right above our heads, there’s around 50-150cm of wasted space going unused and unnoticed. Those hard-to-reach spots atop wardrobes, kitchen cupboards, and bookcases are reserved only for seldom-used objects, left to be forgotten and gather dust. Helping rooms with high ceilings make full use of their additional height, however, interior ladders allow storage spaces to reach their full potential, while making sure they remain safe, comfortable, and easy to access by everyone.

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Low-Light Bathrooms That Swaddle You With Darkness

November 14, 2023 James Wormald 0

Synonyms for ‘dark’ read like a who’s who of negativity. Words like ‘gloom’, ‘murk’, and ‘despair’ are a world away from the light and airy interiors we’re told to covet by magazines and influencers. But for many people who look for tranquillity in the bathroom, there is comfort to be found in the dark.

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Low-Light Bathrooms That Swaddle You With Darkness

November 14, 2023 James Wormald 0

Synonyms for ‘dark’ read like a who’s who of negativity. Words like ‘gloom’, ‘murk’, and ‘despair’ are a world away from the light and airy interiors we’re told to covet by magazines and influencers. But for many people who look for tranquillity in the bathroom, there is comfort to be found in the dark.

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Utilizing Low-Height Interior Spaces: 19 Creative Solutions for Extra Storage in Attics and Under Stairs

November 8, 2023 James Wormald 0

By converting the unused areas hidden in the roofspace, homeowners are able to add extra bedrooms, games rooms, or simply give themselves easier-to-access storage space, without having to move house or apply for planning approval. And with more of our lives now occurring under our own roofs, the additional space provided by an attic conversion is more popular than ever.

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Coffee Shop Design: Creating Rich and Well-Balanced Interiors

October 31, 2023 James Wormald 0

At 23.5 degrees north and 23.5 degrees south of the equator respectively, sit the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The 3,000-mile-wide band between them that wraps around the Earth is affectionately known as the ‘bean belt’. The tropical and sub-tropical climatic conditions inside the belt, as well as the high percentage of land over 1,000 meters above sea level, create the perfect conditions for the coffee plant to thrive.

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Open Design Language in Open-Kitchen Restaurants

October 24, 2023 James Wormald 0

What you see is said to be what you get. The low-skilled cooking techniques and apparatus employed at branded fast-food restaurants, for example, are presented in full visibility to waiting customers. But this concept for designing open, transparent hospitality environments at least serves customers with honesty,  because although the freshest ingredients and cordon bleu techniques are nowhere to be seen, neither is the grease and grime formerly associated with the category of eatery.